One side says "I love you" in English and the other side says "Ewedeshalo", meaning "I love you" in Amharic. They are adult size bracelets and they come in red or green. If you like these bracelets just specify what color you want in the box below. They are $3.50 a piece and shipping is free!
Bracelet Color - red or green

Monday, August 17, 2009

Scrapbooking items

Well I don't know if anyone actually reads this blog but if you do then I need your opinion! My mom and I are going to an Ethiopian culture camp in Ohio to sell a few things. What do you think of these scrapbooking items? Would you ever buy something like this? Do you have any other suggestions of what else we could make? Thanks and your input is greatly appreciated!


  1. I think they're darling! I would love to see something that "Addis Ababa" and maybe some that are travel-related. "Welcome Home" etc.

    Just some thoughts.

    Looking forward to seeing you at camp! :)

  2. These look so nice! Thanks! What about some Ethiopian map type background. Or just some "first" things to go with them like first bath, first swim. Or just some Ethiopian colors or patterns to frame pictures. Also, are you bringing your braclets - they may sell well too! Thanks, see you then!

  3. Another idea I had was doing a few that say "Ethiopia Kids First Annual Culture Camp," maybe with our logo... I know I'll be taking pictures and scrapping them (eventually!). You could always do a few of them and then take orders if you find many people would like them.

    You might also do a few "Gotcha" or "First Family Picture" type things...

  4. cute stuff...and i like your first doggy's name :) kristi
